VeloVAE (fullvb) benchmark on dyngen data#
Notebook benchmarks velocity and latent time inference using VeloVAE (fullvb) on dyngen-generated data.
Library imports#
import velovae as vv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import anndata as ad
import scvelo as scv
from rgv_tools import DATA_DIR
from rgv_tools.benchmarking import get_velocity_correlation
2024-12-14 01:30:12.923192: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
2024-12-14 01:30:12.938701: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
E0000 00:00:1734136212.957171 3032484] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
E0000 00:00:1734136212.962640 3032484] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-12-14 01:30:12.983527: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_csv from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_excel from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_hdf from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_loom from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_mtx from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_text from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_umi_tools from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
General settings#
scv.settings.verbosity = 3
DATASET = "dyngen"
(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "velovae_vae").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Velocity pipeline#
velocity_correlation = []
for filename in (DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed").iterdir():
if filename.suffix != ".zarr":
adata =
rate_prior = {"alpha": (0.0, 1.0), "beta": (0.0, 0.5), "gamma": (0.0, 0.5)}
vae = vv.VAE(adata, tmax=20, dim_z=5, device="cuda:0", full_vb=True, rate_prior=rate_prior)
config = {}
vae.train(adata, config=config, plot=False, embed="pca")
# Output velocity to adata object
vae.save_anndata(adata, "fullvb", DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "velovae_vae", file_name="velovae.h5ad")
adata.layers["velocity"] = adata.layers["fullvb_velocity"].copy()
ground_truth=adata.layers["true_velocity"], estimated=adata.layers["velocity"], aggregation=np.mean
except Exception as e: # noqa: BLE001
# Append np.nan in case of an error and optionally log the error
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 59 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.42, 0.2890740448785467), (0.58, 0.7827494240291312)
KS-test result: [1. 0. 1.]
Initial induction: 84, repression: 21/105
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0001
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 6, test iteration: 10
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.040
Average Set Size: 20
Change in noise variance: 0.0455
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1931. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0177
Change in x0: 0.2938
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2287. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0026
Change in x0: 0.2331
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2363. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0029
Change in x0: 0.1918
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2389. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0009
Change in x0: 0.1528
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2425. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0943
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2437. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0717
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2614. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0580
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2718. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0564
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 9.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 5 m : 26 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = 91.494, Test ELBO = 84.699
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 25 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
KS-test result: [1. 2. 1.]
Initial induction: 35, repression: 24/59
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 3, test iteration: 4
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 6. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.058
Average Set Size: 18
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 13. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.2737
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 87. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0610
Change in x0: 0.8688
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 94. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0019
Change in x0: 0.3654
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 101. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0010
Change in x0: 0.2517
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 108. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2153
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 134. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2039
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 157. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1966
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 7.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 20 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -13651.812, Test ELBO = -13606.135
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 37 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.39, 0.1200757575748825), (0.61, 0.7766228691348986)
KS-test result: [0. 1. 1.]
Initial induction: 73, repression: 13/86
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 8. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.057
Average Set Size: 16
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 14. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.3585
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 19. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0663
Change in x0: 0.2847
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 24. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0642
Change in x0: 0.2418
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 30. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0075
Change in x0: 0.1653
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 36. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0122
Change in x0: 0.1416
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 42. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0046
Change in x0: 0.1361
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 48. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0025
Change in x0: 0.1304
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 54. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0020
Change in x0: 0.1185
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 59. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0012
Change in x0: 0.1085
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
********* Round 10: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 64. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0006
Change in x0: 0.1040
********* Velocity Refinement Round 11 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 10.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 19 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -18201.777, Test ELBO = -18397.561
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 35 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
KS-test result: [1. 1. 1.]
Assign cluster 0 to repressive
Initial induction: 50, repression: 31/81
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 458. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.120
Average Set Size: 32
Change in noise variance: 0.1604
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1025. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.1941
Change in x0: 1.2177
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1111. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0061
Change in x0: 0.9228
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1161. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0068
Change in x0: 0.4832
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1240. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0064
Change in x0: 0.2474
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1332. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0030
Change in x0: 0.1310
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1522. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0028
Change in x0: 0.0764
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1551. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0008
Change in x0: 0.0919
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 8.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 1 m : 15 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -2424.000, Test ELBO = -2521.890
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 35 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
KS-test result: [1. 1. 1.]
Assign cluster 0 to repressive
Initial induction: 51, repression: 29/80
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 7. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.033
Average Set Size: 17
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 13. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.3382
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 322. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0977
Change in x0: 0.5931
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 521. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0098
Change in x0: 0.3892
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 591. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0020
Change in x0: 0.3135
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 669. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0009
Change in x0: 0.2734
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 712. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2453
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 722. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2222
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 743. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2082
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 780. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2067
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 9.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 53 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -14614.414, Test ELBO = -14580.146
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 67 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
KS-test result: [1. 1. 1.]
Assign cluster 1 to repressive
Initial induction: 72, repression: 37/109
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0001
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 6, test iteration: 10
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.062
Average Set Size: 20
Change in noise variance: 0.0388
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1599. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0101
Change in x0: 0.2792
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1628. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0018
Change in x0: 0.2092
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1757. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0020
Change in x0: 0.1938
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1768. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0011
Change in x0: 0.1624
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1874. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0003
Change in x0: 0.1271
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1906. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1167
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1930. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0996
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 1986. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0815
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
********* Round 10: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2030. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0677
********* Velocity Refinement Round 11 *********
********* Round 11: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2047. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0574
********* Velocity Refinement Round 12 *********
********* Round 12: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 2064. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.0484
********* Velocity Refinement Round 13 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 12.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 3 m : 51 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = 113.724, Test ELBO = 119.769
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 18 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.47, 0.8701520422929223), (0.53, 0.2900017161456463)
KS-test result: [1. 2. 0.]
Initial induction: 20, repression: 41/61
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0001
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 5. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.030
Average Set Size: 16
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 116. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.5613
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 151. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0224
Change in x0: 0.5994
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 157. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0021
Change in x0: 0.4098
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 170. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0018
Change in x0: 0.3452
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 176. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0009
Change in x0: 0.2928
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 182. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2531
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 188. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2259
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 194. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2183
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 8.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 25 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -13386.965, Test ELBO = -13522.012
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 34 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
KS-test result: [1. 1. 1.]
Assign cluster 2 to repressive
Initial induction: 45, repression: 18/63
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 8. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.027
Average Set Size: 17
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 14. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.1701
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 19. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0061
Change in x0: 0.6860
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 25. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0006
Change in x0: 0.4838
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 31. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.3766
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 36. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2992
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 41. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2497
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 46. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2236
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 51. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2116
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 61. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.2000
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
********* Round 10: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 73. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1865
********* Velocity Refinement Round 11 *********
********* Round 11: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 78. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1758
********* Velocity Refinement Round 12 *********
********* Round 12: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 90. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1698
********* Velocity Refinement Round 13 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 12.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 21 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -15680.239, Test ELBO = -15800.924
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 32 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.56, 0.3239376112994556), (0.44, 0.9106431281299979)
(0.52, 0.2605808478636782), (0.48, 0.805314977942315)
KS-test result: [1. 0. 0.]
Initial induction: 43, repression: 37/80
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 396. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.010
Average Set Size: 15
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 402. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.4139
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 408. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.3447
Change in x0: 0.7088
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 444. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0068
Change in x0: 0.2237
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 450. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0017
Change in x0: 0.1605
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 456. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0015
Change in x0: 0.0966
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 462. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0017
Change in x0: 0.0794
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 468. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0010
Change in x0: 0.0909
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 474. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0009
Change in x0: 0.0889
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 8.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 38 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -3722.105, Test ELBO = -3882.429
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 20 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.53, 0.06264460485018672), (0.47, 0.7010424470363079)
(0.58, 0.707388107196621), (0.42, 0.09198273775867975)
KS-test result: [0. 0. 2.]
Initial induction: 27, repression: 49/76
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 7. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Percentage of Invalid Sets: 0.030
Average Set Size: 15
********* Round 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 13. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.3139
********* Velocity Refinement Round 2 *********
********* Round 2: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 144. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0408
Change in x0: 0.5010
********* Velocity Refinement Round 3 *********
********* Round 3: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 180. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0073
Change in x0: 0.5771
********* Velocity Refinement Round 4 *********
********* Round 4: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 186. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0269
Change in x0: 0.3684
********* Velocity Refinement Round 5 *********
********* Round 5: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 192. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0052
Change in x0: 0.3283
********* Velocity Refinement Round 6 *********
********* Round 6: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 198. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0027
Change in x0: 0.2698
********* Velocity Refinement Round 7 *********
********* Round 7: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 204. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0018
Change in x0: 0.2269
********* Velocity Refinement Round 8 *********
********* Round 8: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 210. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0011
Change in x0: 0.2009
********* Velocity Refinement Round 9 *********
********* Round 9: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 216. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0005
Change in x0: 0.1882
********* Velocity Refinement Round 10 *********
********* Round 10: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 221. *********
Change in noise variance: 0.0000
Change in x0: 0.1845
********* Velocity Refinement Round 11 *********
Stage 2: Early Stop Triggered at round 10.
********* Finished. Total Time = 0 h : 0 m : 26 s *********
Final: Train ELBO = -13665.999, Test ELBO = -13649.533
Estimating ODE parameters...
Detected 35 velocity genes.
Estimating the variance...
Initialization using the steady-state and dynamical models.
Reinitialize the regular ODE parameters based on estimated global latent time.
3 clusters detected based on gene co-expression.
(0.56, 0.24297477479231852), (0.44, 0.7779664767114342)
KS-test result: [0. 1. 1.]
Initial induction: 60, repression: 23/83
Learning Rate based on Data Sparsity: 0.0000
--------------------------- Train a VeloVAE ---------------------------
********* Creating Training/Validation Datasets *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Creating optimizers *********
********* Finished. *********
********* Start training *********
********* Stage 1 *********
Total Number of Iterations Per Epoch: 2, test iteration: 2
********* Stage 1: Early Stop Triggered at epoch 9. *********
********* Stage 2 *********
********* Velocity Refinement Round 1 *********
Data saving#
pd.DataFrame({"velocity": velocity_correlation}).to_parquet(
path=DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / "velovae_fullvb_correlation.parquet"