Using RegVelo to predict perturbation#

Library imports#

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scanpy as sc

from rgv_tools import DATA_DIR
from rgv_tools.perturbation import (
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_csv from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_text from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_excel from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_mtx from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_loom from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_hdf from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/ FutureWarning: Importing read_umi_tools from `anndata` is deprecated. Import instead.
  warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)


DATASET = "zebrafish"
    (DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

single_ko = ["elk3", "erf", "fli1a", "mitfa", "nr2f5", "rarga", "rxraa", "smarcc1a", "tfec", "nr2f2"]
multiple_ko = ["fli1a_elk3", "mitfa_tfec", "tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40", "fli1a_erf_erfl3", "erf_erfl3"]

Data loading#

adata = sc.read_h5ad(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "adata_preprocessed.h5ad")

Perturbation prediction#

Single gene knockout#

single_ko = set(single_ko).intersection(adata.var_names)
single_ko = list(single_ko)
for nrun in range(3):
    model_name = "rgv_model_" + str(nrun)
    coef_name = "coef_single_regvelo_" + str(nrun)
    pval_name = "pval_single_regvelo_" + str(nrun)

    model = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "perturb_repeat_runs" / model_name
    coef_save = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / coef_name
    pval_save = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / pval_name

    ## Perturbation
    d = TFScanning(model, adata, 8, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, single_ko, 0)

    coef = pd.DataFrame(np.array(d["coefficient"]))
    coef.index = d["TF"]
    coef.columns = get_list_name(d["coefficient"][0])
    pval = pd.DataFrame(np.array(d["pvalue"]))
    pval.index = d["TF"]
    pval.columns = get_list_name(d["pvalue"][0])
    coef = coef.loc[single_ko, :]

INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:45:31,171 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
WARNING: Unable to import petsc4py. For installation, please refer to:
Defaulting to `'gmres'` solver.
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:45:41,723 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:45:52,684 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rxraa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:03,710 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:14,079 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:24,385 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f5
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:34,948 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rarga
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:45,238 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f2
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:46:55,823 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:06,384 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:17,183 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:27,667 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:38,381 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rxraa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:48,854 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:47:59,596 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:48:10,572 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f5
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:48:21,079 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rarga
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:48:31,622 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f2
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:48:42,238 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:48:53,001 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:03,680 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:14,410 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:25,247 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rxraa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:36,076 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:46,920 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:49:58,372 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f5
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:50:09,453 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rarga
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:50:20,757 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f2
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:50:32,045 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:50:43,044 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf

Multiple knockout#

multiple_ko_list = split_elements(multiple_ko)
for nrun in [0, 1, 2]:
    model_name = "rgv_model_" + str(nrun)
    coef_name = "coef_multiple_regvelo_" + str(nrun)
    pval_name = "pval_multiple_regvelo_" + str(nrun)

    model = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "perturb_repeat_runs" / model_name
    coef_save = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / coef_name
    pval_save = DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / pval_name

    ## Perturbatiom
    d = Multiple_TFScanning(model, adata, 8, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, multiple_ko_list, 0)
    coef = pd.DataFrame(np.array(d["coefficient"]))
    coef.index = d["TF"]
    coef.columns = get_list_name(d["coefficient"][0])
    pval = pd.DataFrame(np.array(d["pvalue"]))
    pval.index = d["TF"]
    pval.columns = get_list_name(d["pvalue"][0])

INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:50:54,421 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:05,483 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:16,302 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa_tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:26,882 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:37,651 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_erf_erfl3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:48,761 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf_erfl3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:51:59,505 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:52:10,525 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:52:21,320 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa_tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:52:32,526 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:52:43,786 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_erf_erfl3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:52:54,641 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf_erfl3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:53:05,443 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:53:17,130 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_elk3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:53:28,188 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa_tfec
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:53:39,255 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:53:50,234 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a_erf_erfl3
INFO     File                                                                                                      
         /ictstr01/home/icb/ already downloaded                                                                                  
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 17:54:01,592 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf_erfl3