Dynamo-based perturbation analysis#
Notebooks for predicting TF perturbation effects using dynamo.
Library imports#
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplscience
import seaborn as sns
import dynamo as dyn
import scanpy as sc
from dynamo.preprocessing import Preprocessor
from rgv_tools import DATA_DIR, FIG_DIR
from rgv_tools.perturbation import (
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_csv from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_csv instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_text from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_text instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_excel from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_excel instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_mtx from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_mtx instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_loom from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_loom instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_hdf from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_hdf instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
/home/icb/weixu.wang/miniconda3/envs/dynamo/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_umi_tools from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_umi_tools instead.
warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
DATASET = "zebrafish"
(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
(FIG_DIR / DATASET).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
genes = ["nr2f5", "sox9b", "twist1b", "ets1"]
single_ko = ["elk3", "erf", "fli1a", "mitfa", "nr2f5", "rarga", "rxraa", "smarcc1a", "tfec", "nr2f2"]
multiple_ko = ["fli1a_elk3", "mitfa_tfec", "tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40", "fli1a_erf_erfl3", "erf_erfl3"]
Data loading#
adata = sc.read_h5ad(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "processed" / "adata_preprocessed.h5ad")
adata.X = adata.layers["matrix"].copy()
Processing by dynamo#
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
preprocessor.preprocess_adata(adata, recipe="monocle")
|-----> Running monocle preprocessing pipeline...
|-----------> filtered out 0 outlier cells
|-----------> filtered out 21 outlier genes
|-----> PCA dimension reduction
|-----> <insert> X_pca to obsm in AnnData Object.
|-----> [Preprocessor-monocle] completed [1.1507s]
|-----> dynamics_del_2nd_moments_key is None. Using default value from DynamoAdataConfig: dynamics_del_2nd_moments_key=False
|-----------> removing existing M layers:[]...
|-----------> making adata smooth...
|-----> calculating first/second moments...
|-----? layer X_velocity is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_variance_velocity is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Mu is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Ms is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Mu is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Ms is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Mu is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----? layer X_Ms is not in any of the (['X_spliced', 'X_unspliced'], ['X_new', 'X_total'], ['X_uu', 'X_ul', 'X_su', 'X_sl']) groups, skipping...
|-----> [moments calculation] completed [11.9131s]
estimating gamma: 100%|██████████| 988/988 [00:10<00:00, 96.84it/s]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 697 × 988
obs: 'initial_size_unspliced', 'initial_size_spliced', 'initial_size', 'n_counts', 'cell_type', 'stage', 'cell_type2', 'macrostates', 'nGenes', 'nCounts', 'pMito', 'pass_basic_filter', 'unspliced_Size_Factor', 'initial_unspliced_cell_size', 'Size_Factor', 'initial_cell_size', 'spliced_Size_Factor', 'initial_spliced_cell_size', 'variance_velocity_Size_Factor', 'initial_variance_velocity_cell_size', 'Ms_Size_Factor', 'initial_Ms_cell_size', 'velocity_Size_Factor', 'initial_velocity_cell_size', 'Mu_Size_Factor', 'initial_Mu_cell_size', 'ntr'
var: 'Accession', 'Chromosome', 'End', 'Start', 'Strand', 'gene_count_corr', 'is_tf', 'velocity_gamma', 'velocity_qreg_ratio', 'velocity_r2', 'velocity_genes', 'TF', 'nCells', 'nCounts', 'pass_basic_filter', 'frac', 'use_for_pca', 'ntr', 'beta', 'gamma', 'half_life', 'alpha_b', 'alpha_r2', 'gamma_b', 'gamma_r2', 'gamma_logLL', 'delta_b', 'delta_r2', 'bs', 'bf', 'uu0', 'ul0', 'su0', 'sl0', 'U0', 'S0', 'total0', 'use_for_dynamics'
uns: 'cell_type_colors', 'macrostates_colors', 'neighbors', 'network', 'regulators', 'skeleton', 'targets', 'velocity_params', 'pp', 'feature_selection', 'PCs', 'explained_variance_ratio_', 'pca_mean', 'dynamics'
obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_umap'
layers: 'Ms', 'Mu', 'ambiguous', 'matrix', 'spliced', 'unspliced', 'variance_velocity', 'velocity', 'X_spliced', 'X_variance_velocity', 'X_unspliced', 'X_velocity', 'X_Mu', 'X_Ms', 'M_u', 'M_uu', 'M_s', 'M_us', 'M_ss', 'velocity_S'
obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances', 'moments_con'
|-----> retrieve data for non-linear dimension reduction...
|-----? adata already have basis umap. dimension reduction umap will be skipped!
set enforce=True to re-performing dimension reduction.
|-----> [UMAP] completed [0.0022s]
dyn.tl.cell_velocities(adata, basis="pca")
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.5832s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.3028s]
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 697 × 988
obs: 'initial_size_unspliced', 'initial_size_spliced', 'initial_size', 'n_counts', 'cell_type', 'stage', 'cell_type2', 'macrostates', 'nGenes', 'nCounts', 'pMito', 'pass_basic_filter', 'unspliced_Size_Factor', 'initial_unspliced_cell_size', 'Size_Factor', 'initial_cell_size', 'spliced_Size_Factor', 'initial_spliced_cell_size', 'variance_velocity_Size_Factor', 'initial_variance_velocity_cell_size', 'Ms_Size_Factor', 'initial_Ms_cell_size', 'velocity_Size_Factor', 'initial_velocity_cell_size', 'Mu_Size_Factor', 'initial_Mu_cell_size', 'ntr'
var: 'Accession', 'Chromosome', 'End', 'Start', 'Strand', 'gene_count_corr', 'is_tf', 'velocity_gamma', 'velocity_qreg_ratio', 'velocity_r2', 'velocity_genes', 'TF', 'nCells', 'nCounts', 'pass_basic_filter', 'frac', 'use_for_pca', 'ntr', 'beta', 'gamma', 'half_life', 'alpha_b', 'alpha_r2', 'gamma_b', 'gamma_r2', 'gamma_logLL', 'delta_b', 'delta_r2', 'bs', 'bf', 'uu0', 'ul0', 'su0', 'sl0', 'U0', 'S0', 'total0', 'use_for_dynamics', 'use_for_transition'
uns: 'cell_type_colors', 'macrostates_colors', 'neighbors', 'network', 'regulators', 'skeleton', 'targets', 'velocity_params', 'pp', 'feature_selection', 'PCs', 'explained_variance_ratio_', 'pca_mean', 'dynamics', 'grid_velocity_pca'
obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_umap', 'velocity_pca'
layers: 'Ms', 'Mu', 'ambiguous', 'matrix', 'spliced', 'unspliced', 'variance_velocity', 'velocity', 'X_spliced', 'X_variance_velocity', 'X_unspliced', 'X_velocity', 'X_Mu', 'X_Ms', 'M_u', 'M_uu', 'M_s', 'M_us', 'M_ss', 'velocity_S'
obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances', 'moments_con', 'pearson_transition_matrix'
dyn.vf.VectorField(adata, basis="pca")
|-----> VectorField reconstruction begins...
|-----> Retrieve X and V based on basis: PCA.
Vector field will be learned in the PCA space.
|-----> Learning vector field with method: sparsevfc.
|-----> [SparseVFC] begins...
|-----> Sampling control points based on data velocity magnitude...
|-----> [SparseVFC] completed [0.1569s]
|-----> [VectorField] completed [0.2136s]
adata_perturb = adata.copy()
del adata.uns["cell_type_colors"]
Compare predict fate probability changes#
fate_prob = {}
fate_prob_perturb = {}
for g in genes:
fb, fb_perturb = TFScanning_KO_dyn(adata, 8, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, [g], fate_prob_return=True)
fate_prob[g] = fb
fate_prob_perturb[g] = fb_perturb
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:13,722 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
WARNING: Unable to import petsc4py. For installation, please refer to: https://petsc4py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install.html.
Defaulting to `'gmres'` solver.
|-----> In silico knockout nr2f5
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.3101s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2672s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:18,010 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f5
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:20,505 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
|-----> In silico knockout sox9b
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2859s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2961s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:23,720 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done sox9b
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:27,163 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
|-----> In silico knockout twist1b
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2847s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2827s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:31,388 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done twist1b
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:34,859 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
|-----> In silico knockout ets1
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2764s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2755s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:38,796 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done ets1
Visualize dynamo perturbation effects#
for g in genes:
data = abundance_test(fate_prob[g], fate_prob_perturb[g])
data = pd.DataFrame(
"Score": data.iloc[:, 0].tolist(),
"p-value": data.iloc[:, 1].tolist(),
"Terminal state": data.index.tolist(),
"TF": [g] * (data.shape[0]),
final_df = data.copy()
final_df["Score"] = 0.5 - final_df["Score"]
color_label = "cell_type"
df = pd.DataFrame(final_df["Score"])
df.columns = ["coefficient"]
df["Cell type"] = final_df["Terminal state"]
order = df["Cell type"].tolist()
palette = dict(zip(adata.obs[color_label].cat.categories, adata_perturb.uns[f"{color_label}_colors"]))
subset_palette = {name: color for name, color in palette.items() if name in TERMINAL_STATES}
with mplscience.style_context():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 2))
x="Cell type",
ax.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=90)
plt.title("$\\mathit{" + g + "}$ regulon knock out simulation")
FIG_DIR / DATASET / f"{g}_perturbation_simulation_dynamo.svg",
# Show the plot
Perturbation prediction#
Single gene knockout#
single_ko = set(single_ko).intersection(adata.var_names)
single_ko = list(single_ko)
## Dynamo (KO)
ko_dyn = TFScanning_KO_dyn(adata, 8, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, single_ko)
## Dynamo (perturbation)
perturbation_dyn = TFScanning_perturbation_dyn(adata, 8, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, single_ko)
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:44,048 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
|-----> In silico knockout nr2f5
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2852s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2654s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:48,132 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f5
|-----> In silico knockout nr2f2
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.1915s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.1805s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:51,004 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done nr2f2
|-----> In silico knockout elk3
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2922s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2787s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:55,360 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done elk3
|-----> In silico knockout mitfa
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.3077s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2411s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:02:58,967 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done mitfa
|-----> In silico knockout fli1a
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2957s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2917s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:02,114 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done fli1a
|-----> In silico knockout rxraa
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2815s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2870s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:06,770 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rxraa
|-----> In silico knockout erf
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2904s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2832s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:11,135 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done erf
|-----> In silico knockout rarga
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2852s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2603s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:15,267 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done rarga
|-----> In silico knockout tfec
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2959s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2998s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:18,906 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
Done tfec
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
calculating Jacobian for each cell: 100%|██████████| 697/697 [00:00<00:00, 109742.48it/s]
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.3244s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done nr2f5
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2364s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done nr2f2
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.3204s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done elk3
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.3849s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done mitfa
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2955s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done fli1a
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2752s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done rxraa
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2678s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done erf
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.3549s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done rarga
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2676s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='pca_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done tfec
## Perform KO screening using function based perturbation
coef_KO = pd.DataFrame(np.array(ko_dyn["coefficient"]))
coef_KO.index = ko_dyn["TF"]
coef_KO.columns = get_list_name(ko_dyn["coefficient"][0])
## Perform perturbation screening using gene expression based perturbation
coef_perturb = pd.DataFrame(np.array(perturbation_dyn["coefficient"]))
coef_perturb.index = perturbation_dyn["TF"]
coef_perturb.columns = get_list_name(perturbation_dyn["coefficient"][0])
Multiple gene knock-out prediction#
multiple_ko_list = split_elements(multiple_ko)
## Dynamo (KO)
ko_dyn = Multiple_TFScanning_KO_dyn(adata, 9, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, multiple_ko_list)
## Dynamo (perturbation)
perturbation_ko = Multiple_TFScanning_perturbation_dyn(adata, 9, "cell_type", TERMINAL_STATES, multiple_ko_list)
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:33,803 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
|-----> In silico knockout ['fli1a', 'elk3']
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.3093s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2854s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:38,437 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
['fli1a', 'elk3']
Done fli1a_elk3
|-----> In silico knockout ['mitfa', 'tfec']
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.4391s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.4197s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:44,295 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
['mitfa', 'tfec']
Done mitfa_tfec
|-----> In silico knockout ['tfec', 'mitfa', 'bhlhe40']
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2762s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2686s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:48,604 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
['tfec', 'mitfa', 'bhlhe40']
Done tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40
|-----> In silico knockout ['fli1a', 'erf', 'erfl3']
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.3052s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2681s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:52,901 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
['fli1a', 'erf', 'erfl3']
Done fli1a_erf_erfl3
|-----> In silico knockout ['erf', 'erfl3']
|-----> Project the high dimensional vector field after KO to umap.
|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [calculating transition matrix via pearson kernel with sqrt transform.] completed [0.2932s]
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2666s]
WARNING: Unable to import `petsc4py` or `slepc4py`. Using `method='brandts'`
WARNING: For `method='brandts'`, dense matrix is required. Densifying
2024-11-24 16:03:57,243 - INFO - Using pre-computed Schur decomposition
['erf', 'erfl3']
Done erf_erfl3
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2709s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='umap_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done fli1a_elk3
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2763s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='umap_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done mitfa_tfec
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2808s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='umap_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done tfec_mitfa_bhlhe40
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2947s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='umap_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done fli1a_erf_erfl3
|-----> In silico perturbation of single-cells and prediction of cell fate after perturbation...
|-----> Retrive X_pca, PCs, pca_mean...
|-----> Calculate perturbation effect matrix via \delta Y = J \dot \delta X....
|-----> project the pca perturbation vector to low dimensional space....
|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] in progress: 100.0000%|-----> [projecting velocity vector to low dimensional embedding] completed [0.2571s]
|-----> you can use dyn.pl.streamline_plot(adata, basis='umap_perturbation') to visualize the perturbation vector
Done erf_erfl3
## Perform KO screening using function based perturbation
coef_KO_multiple = pd.DataFrame(np.array(ko_dyn["coefficient"]))
coef_KO_multiple.index = ko_dyn["TF"]
coef_KO_multiple.columns = get_list_name(ko_dyn["coefficient"][0])
## Perform perturbation screening using gene expression based perturbation
coef_perturb_multiple = pd.DataFrame(np.array(perturbation_dyn["coefficient"]))
coef_perturb_multiple.index = perturbation_dyn["TF"]
coef_perturb_multiple.columns = get_list_name(perturbation_dyn["coefficient"][0])
Save dataset#
coef_KO.to_csv(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / "dynamo_KO_single.csv")
coef_KO_multiple.to_csv(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / "dynamo_KO_multiple.csv")
coef_perturb.to_csv(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / "dynamo_perturb_single.csv")
coef_perturb_multiple.to_csv(DATA_DIR / DATASET / "results" / "dynamo_perturb_multiple.csv")